Ch. 28- Fresh Auction and Gifts

Today was Saturday, finally time for the weekly auction. I was planning on spending most of my money on Mira and Alexis today at this auction, although mostly for Mira. Alexis could earn her own money, and I had promised Mira a while ago to help her with her smokescreen python Lyra.

The funds I had managed to save up so far, before yesterday, was 15,028 credits, luckily I had more than doubled that with the help of the colosseum. I bet 10,000 on myself to win with me having 50/50 odds, and the additional 6,048 credits came from a percentage of the bets placed on my match itself. It was a slow day since people were still getting over the monster break, still, a couple thousand credits was nothing to sneeze at despite my sense of money at times.

The plan was to meet up with Alexis outside the auction house and sit together for the bidding. This time I would finally be able to make some bids on the lower side of the middle-class items, middle class for typically wealthy summoners, not civilians.

Which was just what I needed since enchanted jewelry or items were stuck in that class due to their scarcity and difficulty in making. I didn't know what exact form they would take, but I would select what was most functional not what looked the best. I cared much more for their safety than how it looked on them, granted I probably wouldn't force them to wear something unsightly.

In addition to that, for Mira and her summon, I would be buying some expensive cores and supplements to help it evolve. She really cared for her summon, but unfortunately, she had little combat ability so there wasn't much of a chance on her being able to evolve on her own.

Once Lyra was close to evolving, I would take Mira out to the forest and help her evolve and potentially find another summon for her as well. Getting a summon would be harder since she would have to come through the monster gate to fight and contract a summon since monsters couldn't pass through the gate until a monster break.

I wouldn't know what was available for her until the auction started, so I would just try to pay attention when they brought out cores. After all, what kind of brother would I be to not take care of my sister after all she's done for me.

If I can help to protect her in any way, I'd be willing to do just about anything to get it for her, she was the absolute most important person in my life currently. Alexis is important to me as well, but I don't have to worry as much about her since she is strong enough and I'll be right next to her to help keep her safe.

Speaking of... "Hey Alexis, glad to see you could make it," I said with a grin.

"Can it Tommy, I'm a late riser so sue me." (Alexis)

"Alright princess sleepyhead, lets head in and get some decent seats for the auction." (Thomas)

With that being said, we head in and find some comfortable seats in the middle of the center row. People were piling in and seemed pretty excited to be getting some rare or valuable items soon. I was among the excited people in the main seating area, and practically had to write a list to remember all of the things that I might want to buy.

Alexis and I traded some barbs with each other to pass the time and tease each other. It was a far more interesting way to pass the time than sitting quietly by myself while waiting for the auction to start like the last time I was here.

I asked Alexis what she planned on buying, but she was being tight-lipped about it and I didn't want to pry too much. She was entitled to her secrets, and we weren't nearly good enough friends to be able to demand answers from each other.

We trust each other with our lives, but that doesn't mean we don't have our own circumstances and secrets to keep from each other. Hopefully, in time, we would get closer and be able to share these things, but it would happen all in good time.

"Welcome all of you to the weekly city auction, we have plenty of lovely and rare items for your viewing and hopefully buying pleasure. Without further ado, let's bring out the first items of the night with some lower-class tier 3 cores." (Auctioneer)

They paraded around some cores that might have caught my attention a week or two ago, but now I had set my sights higher and was looking for something unique that would suit lyra the smokescreen python.

I was thinking something along the lines of a more offensive ability for the snake, but it was really up to luck depending on what was available today.

I feel a nudge to my side from Alexis's elbow and tune back into what is being said by the auctioneer. "Up next is a socket lizard core, this monster is known for its powerful electrical abilities and paralyzing properties, great for any offensive ability needs for your summons." (Auctioneer)

I wasn't one to doubt the man's words and he practically described what I needed. I was hoping for something with fire or poison since smoke came from fire and snakes usually had poison, but electricity would work just fine I guess.

I might be even better in some ways, because stunning would likely work even against monsters with strong defensive skin that normal attacks wouldn't scratch. I wasn't worried about Mira being able to kill her opponents, just be able to escape them and survive.

"We'll start with the price of 50 credits for the core." (Auctioneer)

"60 credits." (Rando 1)

"No, 75." (Rando 2)

I decided to bust in and take the core before the price continued to hike with this fairly desired core. "100 credits for the socket lizard core."

No one seemed to want to pay above that, but no price was too much for Mira and luckily I managed to curb any competition with my inflated price.

"It seems like Mira is going to be happy with the core, what else do you need for her?" (Alexis)

"Now I need a higher tier snake core and something to help protect her when I'm not around." (Thomas)


The auction continued and nothing particularly caught my interest until we got to the 4th tier cores, where I managed to nab a 4th tier rainbow serpent core. The bidding ended at 260 credits, where I managed to beat a man with a greyed-out mustache.

Finally, the middle-class Items came out after the first intermission, this was the point where many in attendance left. The seats around us were now vacant, and you could see who was wealthy or influential just by looking around at who was here.

Of course, this didn't apply to everybody, and some people were even wealthier than the mid-class part of the auction and were just waiting until the objects became rare or expensive enough to catch their attention.

Another elbow to my side brought me back to the present where the accessories I had been hoping for were being brought out. The price range for this class of items is in the 1000's easy, if not more.

"What we have here is a treant heart necklace accessory, its' strong life and vitality properties can allow for quick healing in dangerous moments up to 5 times depending on the severity of the wound. A life-threatening wound will use up all 5 uses, and the wounds that scale down from that have their respective amount of uses, so use it wisely." (Auctioneer)

The actual necklace itself looked to be a vine string attached to a dark red wooden pendant with the caduceus symbol amongst other runes and symbols were on the face of the pendant. It was about the size of an egg and looked rather nice.

"We'll start the bidding at 5,000 credits." (Auctioneer)

"6,000 credits" (Rando 3)

"7,000" (Rando 4)

The bidding continued fiercely, and I finally managed to butt in and win the amulet for 8,500 credits. It was well worth the price and would do just fine for Mira.

A few other items were brought out that while expensive, they weren't what I was looking for. That was until a metallic looking bracelet was brought out.

On the front face was a small shield attached to the bracelet. The auctioneer explained that this was made from an automaton and had an expandable shield. The shield itself was reusable, but would eventually wear down despite being in the 4th tier material wise.

I knew this would be a great life-saving tool and figured it would be just as desired by others as well. The bidding got fierce and it was a battle between me, the mustached gentleman again and a blonde woman in a long turquoise dress.

The man gave up first, and I managed to edge out the woman by bidding 9,600 credits for it. I had plenty of money to spend and required little else, so I was free to spend as much as needed on these items.

"Alexis, let's stay for a little while longer, and if I don't find anything then we can leave."

She had already purchased the items she was looking for, which included some cores and a new one-handed short sword with a thin piercing tip. It was a pretty weapon and resembled a wider edged rapier more than anything.

Items went by and nothing interesting passed by, not that I didn't want them, but I could only afford so much and I was waiting for the right thing to pop up. We had just got up to leave after a few minutes when the auctioneer announced the showing of a unique accessory item.

"What we have here now is a new rechargeable shield spell necklace, it was made with the latest advancements in the field and has quite the potential for long term use. It can cast 3 shield spells of the 4th tier with a 4th tier core, or 1 spell at the 4th tier with a tier 3 core. This is a hot item and is the only one being sold today at this auction." (Auctioneer)

Murmurs resounded within the large cavernous room, and I couldn't help but agree that the item was worth talking about. It was a rare item, but only to a certain extent which is why I had a chance of snatching it up. It would probably take the rest of the money that I have, which at this point is about 12,616 credits.

"Let's start the bidding at 5,000 credits, do I have a taker?" (Auctioneer)

The price was initially rising by 100 credits each time, but some people got tired of this and raised the price by a 1,000. This discouraged most of the current bidders and soon it was down to a few bidders going back and forth.

An aged woman with greying hair that had a severe expression on her face the entire time was the main competitor for this item. Most had dropped out since it was only the first of such items, and that they would be able to get one of their own later at a cheaper price.

I would normally agree with the strategy, but I needed it now so that it could do its' job of protecting Alexis. Mira had the wooden healing amulet, and I had the transformative shield bracelet, all that was needed now was the current item being bid for so that Alexis has a gift as well.

It got up to 9,000 credits and then devolved into going up by 100 each time once again. By the time it got to 9,300 I realized something should be done to dissuade them from bidding so they don't outbid me slightly.

I got up as calmly as I could and spoke with a clear and controlled voice, "12,500 credits for the necklace". The jump in price had many looking back at me wondering what I was playing at, I just remained calm and prayed that they didn't call my bluff and go above my price.

I was already over what the actual necklace was worth, but exclusivity always manages to drive up prices. I would be practically poor once again after this auction if I won the item.

Tense seconds ticked by, and my back was coated in sweat, but it seemed to be my lucky day as no one else decided to bid for it in fear of driving the price up even more.

"12,500 credits going once, going twice, .... and sold to the gentlemen in the back middle row." (Auctioneer)

"Alright, that was all of my money, let's head over to the checkout to get our items." (Thomas)

"Finally, hurry up already." (Alexis)

I couldn't help but shake my head at her impatience, but quickened my pace anyway.

The counter was relatively empty from people, and so we were seen shortly after arriving. We both handed in our auction number and the items were transferred over to us after payment.

Now my wrist was equipped by a deployable shield, and my bank account was down to 116 credits. At least it was until I remembered that the monster bodies I had sold to the auction had been sold off today.

I quickly handed the lady at the desk both numbered chips, and in my account was an additional 1,200 credits. Part of which I had to share with Alexis since we killed it together. Which ended up with my account balancing out at 818 credits total.

Seeing that now was as good as ever, I brought out the necklace and said to Alexis, "I bought this necklace for you as a gift for officially becoming my hunting partner and so that this can protect you in case I can't".

"Tommy this is too expensive, I can't possibly take it." (Alexis)

"It's a gift, and I didn't have any use for the money at this point in time anyways. I already got Mira and myself something similar, so it's only fair that you get one as well." (Thomas)

"Fine, I'll take it. But, you have to let me help pay part of this off at least." (Alexis)

"I can tell that is the minimum you will allow, so I accept. You can help pay for half, that way it is still a gift. I don't need the money right now, so when you get the chance you can pay me back." (Thomas)

With that said, she took the necklace from my hands and placed it around her neck. It was quite a beautiful thing with a core tucked into the top of the amulet. Depicted on it was a lotus flower with small exposed areas that let the core tucked into the amulet shine through to give the impression of color in the mostly silver flower.

"It looks great on you, clearly it was meant to be yours." (Thomas)