Sorry for the Long Hiatus

I'm sorry I've been gone for so long, it's been a difficult few weeks and I desperately needed a break. I'm rested up and have new ideas for the story as well. I'll be resuming my story schedule come Thursday. I just finished a huge NeuroPsych test that I have been studying for an entire week, which is why I was gone for longer than planned. The exam is over and I didn't fail, YAY. Now I can get back into writing this story, burnout is a serious thing and I totally understand why many novels aren't finished, but I have no plan to give up on my story.

Thank you all for your support and understanding. I've moved back with my parents during this corona crisis and am helping to take care of my sick grandfather while doing online classes, so I'm understandably busy. Luckily for you guys, I no longer have a physical social life, which means more time for me to write. On top of that, my study abroad trip to Europe got canceled for obvious reasons, so there's no worry about having to take a break during then. In fact, I'll likely be writing a lot more as soon as this school semester ends. I've been relaxing by reading some stories and sifting through the stock market, which has been a hell of a stressor after I buy in right before the crash. My luck sucks, but I've got in heavy on a stock or two that is only expected to rise during this crisis. Hopefully, I don't end up bankrupt, but luckily I'm getting refunds for my canceled trips, so I still have a bit in savings, or at least will when I get the money back whenever that will be.

I hope you all are safe and doing well during this trying time. Thanks again for putting up with my absence as necessary as it might have been.