I survived, so far

Sorry for not posting sooner, the surgery went well and I'm about recovered from it. There's still a stint to be removed in a week, but other than that no further problems. They took out 2 kidney stones from me, I just thought it was the one.

I had time to think about the story and the direction I was taking it during my recovery break, and I've decided to start writing in the 3rd person instead of the 1st like I usually do. There's a lot I leave out when writing first person and it feels awkward at times. I'll eventually do a rewrite of what I have so far, but that's in the future, I'll be trying it out and seeing how it goes.

You can start expecting a few chapters a week again very soon, I'll be trying to write in the morning since I plan on going to protests in the evening. I can't fully promise 5 chapters a week with what I have going on, but I'll certainly try and get near it. I'll be starting writing again officially on Monday, so expect a chapter then.

I'm sorry for not posting more often, but crap happens I guess. I think of this story as a marathon and not a sprint, so one or two bumps in the road every now and then won't stop me from writing.