Wedding Day

Ying Yue wakes up to the rays of light hitting her room. Fully awake now, Ying Yue drags herself out of bed. The day was finally here and Jianyu was nowhere in sight.

"Knock Knock."

"Come in."

"It's time for your bath lady Ying Yue."

With a heavy heart, Ying Yue walks to the tub of water that was prepared for her. Infused with rose petal, Ying Yue sat silently with only her head and shoulders above the water. Ying Yue clenches her fists under water to remind herself that it's not the end yet. Quickly standing up from the water and walking out of the tub of water; Ying Yue watches as the maids dry her from head to toe. Quickly putting on her robe, Ying Yue is then prompted to sit at her makeup table. Slightly turning her head, Ying Yue watched as endless maids enter her bedroom to help her get ready.

"Where's Chunhua?"

"She's busy preparing other things for the wedding, my lady."

"I only want her to do my makeup. Go call for her."

" lady that's my job."

"Do as you're told."

The maid quickly bids Ying Yue farewell and runs off to find Chunhua. Ying Yue sat silently as the other maids did her hair. Clipping a portion up and leaving the rest down, Ying Yue watched as they pinned in golden hair pins. Finally moving to the last step, the maids places a golden crown with dangling beads on the side onto Ying Yue's head. Ying Yue stares at her reflection with no emotion. It was supposed to be one of the happiest days of her life, and yet she was not happy at all. The maid's motions for Ying Yue to stand up as they dressed her in a red dress with gold embroidery.

"My lady! I'm here!"

Chunhua comes running in drenched in sweat. Ying Yue glances at the other maids and motions for them to leave her alone. Ying Yue seats herself back at her makeup table and watches as Chunhua did her makeup. Chunhua paints Ying Yue's eyes and lips in red and adds in a dash of rosy blush to make her look like a blushing bride. Moving onto the last touch, Chunhua draws a flower onto Ying Yue's forehead.

" you're ready my lady."

"Thank you Chunhua....I guess this is really it."

Chunhua takes one look at Ying Yue's face and could see how sad she was. Slowly kneeling down next to Ying Yue, Chunhua couldn't help but cry for Ying Yue's sake. Ying Yue lightly pats Chunhua on the head and smiles at her.

"Don't cry Chunhua. Maybe...someday I will grow to love the crown prince."

"But my lady..."

"It's alright Chunhua, Now, let's be off, I want to see mother before I head off."

Ying Yue quickly shoves the veil into the side of skirt before her and Chunhua both made their way towards madam Bai Shun's residence. Off into the distance, Ying Yue could see her mother standing at the front gate of her residence.

"Mother! What are you doing?! You're sick and should be in bed!"

"You didn't really think I'd miss your wedding, did you?"

Ying Yue holds back her tears as to not ruin her makeup. Quickly falling into her mother's arms; Ying Yue finally gave her a much-needed hug, With the clock ticking away. Ying Yue helps support her mother to the main entrance of the marquis mansion. As they got closer to the entrance where the wedding sedan was, Ying Yue whispers to Chunhua.

"Chunhua, go back to my room and get my sword, and jade bracelet that is under my pillow."

Chunhua nods her head and runs off to complete her given task. Meanwhile Ying Yue and her mother continues to the main entrance. Off into the distance, Ying Yue could see her father, stepmother and Jia Li waiting for her to enter the sedan. Marquis Zi Wei Yang walks out first and motions for Ying Yue to enter the sedan as it was time.

"Ah! There you are. Quickly put on your veil and be off. The crown prince and his men are waiting already!"

"We still have time, I'm waiting on Chunhua."

As Ying Yue was speaking, she notices Chunhua running towards her with her sword and bracelet that she had gotten from Jianyu. Ying Yue gives her mother another tight hug before letting go of her. Making her way towards the sedan, Ying Yue grabs hold of her bracelet from Chunhua.

"I'll see you guys there. Chunhua, take care of my mother until you get to the palace and bring my sword with you."

"Leave it to me, my lady."

Chunhua moves to support Ying Yue's mother who was standing a good eight feet away from the wedding sedan. Ying Yue glances back at her mother before walking into the sedan. Ying Yue seats herself into the sedan and faces forward. Ying Yue could feel herself being carried away. Off into the distance, Ying Yue could hear the wedding music playing and people chattering. Quickly putting on Jianyu's bracelet; Ying Yue braced herself for what was to come.

"Sigh...I guess this is it."

After thirty minutes of riding the sedan; everyone finally came to a stop. Ying Yue listens as the chattering outside stopped before hearing a voice call for her to step out of the sedan. Glancing at the floor and behind her, Ying Yue could sense the thousands of people standing behind her. Taking a deep breath, Ying Yue could hear her mother and Chunhua cheering her on from behind her. Unable to take a step forward, Ying Yue stops in her tracks. After all this time, she couldn't bring herself to do it. Ying Yue turns around and removes her veil; turning to face her mother and Chunhua, Ying Yue could see Bolin and Zhi Ruo both in the crowd as well. Quickly grabbing her sword from Chunhua who was standing behind her, Ying Yue removes it from its scabbard and points it at the crown prince standing only a few feet away from her. Soon, Ying Yue found herself surrounded by royal guards. The crown prince motions for the guards to move as he walks closer to Ying Yue.

"What do you think you're doing Ying Yue?"

"Sigh....I cannot go through with this crown prince. Please let me go!"

"Isn't it too late for that kind of thinking? Stop making a scene!"

"'s never too late...I've told you over and over that the one I love is not you."

"Don't force me to do something I don't want to Ying Yue. I will force you if I have to!"

"Then so be it."

Ying Yue charges at the crown prince only to be countered by the royal guards. There had to be more than forty guards on standby and more than twenty archers standing above the royal palace gate. Ying Yue turns to look at her mothers face, and sees her go pale. Ying Yue's father was left speechless along with her stepmother and Jia Li.

"Ying Yue, stop what you're doing right now, and I'll pardon you!"

"It looks like death is my only option. If I'm going to die anyways, I might as well take you with me."

Ying Yue charges at the crown prince again with her sword. Fighting her way through the guards, Ying Yue was able to knock out more than twenty of the royal guards before the emperor signaled for the archers to shoot at Ying Yue. Unable to dodge everything; Ying Yue's left shoulder was struck with an arrow. The unexpected pain brought Ying Yue to her knees. Quickly pulling out the arrow; Ying Yue grunts in pain and applies pressure to the wound using her right hand that had her jade bracelet.

The crown prince walks closer to Ying Yue, and with a sad look on his face he whispers to Ying Yue.

"Do you hate me that much?"

"Hah....rather than hate. I'm disappointed at how you've become."

The arrow must've been infused with something as Ying Yue's vision begins to go blurry. With her still bleeding and holding onto the wound; Ying Yue was not aware that blood was dripping to her right wrist. In a matter of seconds, Ying Yue feels the bracelet get hot. Unsure to what was happening, Ying Yue glances at the bracelet and realizes it has turned completely red. Thinking it might explode, Ying Yue tosses the bracelet into the air.

Rather than exploding, Ying Yue watched as the bracelet enlarged and opened up a portal. A familiar figure jumps out from the bracelet portal and lands in front of her.

No one said a word. Everyone could only stare at the beautiful man standing in front of them. Ying Yue, unable to hold back her tears cries out.
