Detailed Analytical Report!

After researching online for a long time…

Pei Qian still could not understand how Ocean Stronghold became so popular!

He went through the comments section and found that the gamers were basically divided into two camps: one was for the game and one was against the game. Both camps were arguing profusely.

A mysterious alphabet C appeared on Ocean Stronghold's ratings. There were a fair number of people who rated it with five stars but also a fair number rated it with one. In the end, its overall rating was 7.3.

The length of one star was short, but it was still longer than two stars.

The comments were not great, but they were not bad either.

As for the gamers' reviews, they were mixed.

Pei Qian looked through all the gaming platforms, websites, and forums; just to look for more reviews on Ocean Stronghold. He even found a couple of hot topics that discussed Ocean Stronghold, Counter Strike, and Bullet Hole.