Special Expense

Pei Qian suddenly thought of something else. "Wait, I got another idea. I'll give every employee an expense limit; they could spend a certain amount of office supplies and necessities within one cycle. As for the exact sum… en…"

"One cycle every three months, every employee can get an expense limit of 3500 yuan."

Pei Qian actually wasn't considering this; he was testing the system.

If the cycle was shorter than three months and the expense amount was more than three thousand five hundred, the system would not allow it.

Xin Hailu found this slightly obscure, "Boss Pei, currently, we do not set a limit for expenses for reimbursement for our employees. Including overtime taxi fees, business trips, etc; they were all reimbursed fully. What specifically was this three thousand five hundred referring to…?"

Pei Qian explained, "This is called a special expense. This money can be freely used to purchase anything related to work.