Menu had Western Wine on One Side, Comfort Food on the Other!

Although Zhang Yuan did not really understand these things, he at least had basic sense and judgment.

To choose a shop, the location was crucial. Some so-called 'golden streets' could command rentals of six to seven yuan per square meter a day; why was that?

The location was very good!

If the location was good, the surroundings were upscale; and human traffic was high. Any shop that would definitely make a profit. Conversely, if the location was bad and human traffic was low, no matter how good one's shop was; who would purposely go all the way to patronize it?

Hence, the best location was definitely in some huge shopping spaces; especially big shopping malls.

The area near a university was not bad either.

This site was just within a normal shopping district; it was also one street away from the shopping mall. The surroundings were rather quiet and empty; one look, and Ma Yang knew that human traffic here was not high!