A Very Unhappy Teacher Qiao

Teacher Qiao's fans were all stunned; they couldn't believe this video! However, they had no choice but to accept; they could not find Teacher Qiao anymore.

They couldn't tag Teacher Qiao in their fans' chatting platforms while Teacher Qiao did not reply to any private messages. The individuals who managed Teacher Qiao and had his number tried to call it but realized the call could not be connected.

Evidently, this was akin to beating a fast retreat and becoming a scaredy-cat.

All the fans were flummoxed to the point of anger, from anger to disappointment, and from disappointment to becoming calm again… where they suddenly became quiet. Teacher Qiao's bizarre act was indeed worth praising; it had given this April's Fools Day an additional color.

However, everyone soon realized that this wasn't the end!