To Bring Fish-Catching Internet Cafe's Success to Greater Heights!

Pei Qian did not fully understand Bao Xu's words. However, he was certain of something. Something bad had happened again!

Originally, Pei Qian thought that he was suffering enough. Boss Pei's Daily Life was making money; Game Designer was as well. He couldn't seem to finish spending the System Funds.

Could anything else be worse?

The answer was… yes!

Due to an article, passers-by suddenly became very interested in Tengda. That led to a renewed wave of popularity for its games!

Pei Qian was even more dejected now.

What was this? This was the ups and downs of life…

However, thinking from another perspective, this wasn't exactly bad news. He already couldn't finish spending the System Funds! As he had no hopes left of making a loss—the more money he made, the more could be converted to his Personal Wealth. From this perspective, it seemed…

Not bad?

Pei Qian started to doubt his life.