Write Repent and be Saved's Plot Together!

Repent and be Saved's story was supposed to take place in an unknown age in ancient China. What used to be a peaceful, harmonious village was suddenly wrecked when more and more people began to lose their souls and become wandering ghouls.

These people slowly lost their memories and sanity. They wandered around subconsciously and attacked the souls of complete humans. On top of this, they were unknowingly drawn towards a faraway place.

In the words of lucky survivors, the road to this faraway place was called the 'Road to the Underworld'.

According to the elderly in the village, dead people would be captured by the Black and White Impermanence. After that, they would be brought to the netherworld to be judged and punished by Yama, who would then decide if these people could reincarnate and become humans again, soon sending them into the six realms of rebirth and existence or to the Eighteen Levels of Hell.