Guessing Boss Pei's Intention—Difficulty Level High

At the same time as the interview going on in Tengda Network Technology Co., Ltd….

Dream Realization Ventures…

Boss Ma did not turn up again today.

Boss Ma's whereabouts had always been erratic, and the company did have no money for new investments. Nonetheless, the fact that Boss Ma did not turn up made He Desheng and the others worry.

Many of them would lose their jobs on the spot if Boss Ma lost interest in the rigged games! Even if they only fell out of favor, that would mean their career prospects were dim.

Therefore, these professional gamers—who accompany Boss Ma in gaming and invest on the sidelines—were feeling a little anxious.

The first thing He Desheng did when he went to work was to open his mailbox to check his email.

The modification suggestions they sent to Finger Games of the game last Friday should have received a reply by now since it was already Monday, right?

There was indeed an unread email from Finger Games.