First Stab in the Back of the Year 2011!

December 31st…

Zhang Yuan arrived at Fish-Catching Internet Cafe's Handong University early in the morning. After ordering a cup of coffee, he sipped it nonchalantly and browsed Tieba, intending to see if any interesting posts had been made by the netizens.

He had arranged for his employees to either refund all the problematic parts or send them for repair yesterday. He had also spent the remaining funds in the account on computer parts that had higher chances of malfunctioning. In particular, he had placed more orders for RAM sticks.

Although there were significant costs involved in hoarding parts like that, Zhang Yuan was more concerned about ROF's reputation.

When the business had just started out, Boss Pei had poured huge sums of money into running 1024 Digital Day to build a name for it.

If the reputation was ruined by quality problems, wouldn't Boss Pei's hard work all be wasted?

Thus, Zhang Yuan had to guarantee good quality!