Lu Zhiyao's Interview, Help from an Eminent Person

Pei Qian finally decided on two directions after a friendly and harmonious communication with the system.

Housing and fitness…

In fact, Tengda had corresponding benefits for these two projects already. There were subsidies for renting a house and also reimbursements for the membership and a certain number of private training sessions.

The current amount of welfare seemed to be unable to meet Boss Pei's needs anymore.

Pei Qian only had one feeling now: he made mountains of money but could only trickle the spending away!

Of course, it seemed to be a good idea for all the employees to share this pain together, but this sort of burden-sharing was obviously limited.

Pei Qian wanted to buy a huge building to house all his employees. Obviously, that could not pass through the system.

Therefore, Pei Qian could only replace it with housing subsidies previously.