Boss Pei was Testing You!

March 23rd, Wednesday…

Thriller Hostel's construction was in full swing.

Chen Kangtuo and Hao Qiong were there at the site. Apart from supervising the construction each day, they also gathered material from horror novels, videos, and films and brainstormed about how to make the various projects in Thriller Hostel better.

They had various subordinates in charge of various work in the haunted house, but there weren't many of them to begin with. When the haunted house was almost done, they planned to recruit a large group of employees to sell tickets, act, and maintain cleanliness.

However, all three projects of the haunted house would probably only be completed in at least three more months.

Just like before, Chen Kangtuo stared at the design diagram on his computer screen and seriously considered various details. All of a sudden, his cell phone vibrated. It was a message.

Chen Kangtuo jumped and then gestured for Hao Qiong to come over.