Things will Change once Boss Pei Thinks about It

Pei Qian was speechless. He directly beckoned Chen Kangtuo. "Come, give everyone a brief introduction to the project."

Pei Qian deliberately emphasized on the word 'simple' when speaking.

Chen Kangtuo understood it immediately. He had sorted out the information about Thriller Hostel previously and was prepared to report to Boss Pei, but Boss Pei did not listen to him. It was the same with this report.

Since Boss Pei wanted a simple report, it must be simple enough. Strictly fulfilling any requirements of Boss Pei was one of the well-known Tengda spirits after all.

Chen Kangtuo started his introduction to the Thriller Hostel.

He was done after five minutes.

Chen Kangtuo condensed the whole introduction to something simple enough; many data and details were not mentioned at all. Some internal details of the three major projects were even covered in one sentence. He only gave a framework.