Fish-Catching Take-Out's Shop Number One

Liang Qingfan was stunned. A moment later, he said, "Boss Pei, this is a bit sudden. I need to consider it properly…"

Pei Qian smiled and nodded. "Of course."

He turned to look at his driver, Little Sun. "Make some time to bring Mr. Liang around Jingzhou to play over the next few days. Allow him to have a good appreciation of Jingzhou's culture and people. Over the weekend, bring Mr. Liang to Ming Yun Private Kitchen for a meal. Host him well for me."

Little Sun quickly answered, "Alright, Boss Pei."

Pei Qian turned to Liang Qingfan. "Mr. Liang, please get some rest. Travel around Jingzhou and collect some inspiration. All of your expenses during this period will be borne by Tengda.

"I want to open more Sloth Apartments at the end of the money. Then, I would have to trouble you once more."

Liang Qingfan looked overwhelmed by Boss Pei's favor. "No problem, Boss Pei!"