Betting on the Tengda Spirit

May 16th, Monday…

The new season of hiring has started at Tengda.

It was the second time the uniformed recruitment examinations were held. The HR department hosing the recruitment was well-versed with the processes, and things proceeded in an orderly fashion.

They were at the written test stage, after which there would be a series of steps including interview, induction, and test on Tengda spirit.

Wu Bin looked on at the bunch of new job seekers outside the venue with a staff badge hanging on his chest. He could not help but be filled with emotion.

Time really flies!

Wu Bin recalled his fateful encounter with Tengda, which was as early as November last year. He was trying to poach Hao Qiong from Shang Yang Games then, but things went wayward.

Wu Bin, therefore, signed up for Tengda's recruitment examinations decisively, passed all three levels, and became an official full-time employee of Tengda.