Buying Buildings, Picking Up Rubbish

May 31st…

Pei Qian was sitting in Fish-Catching Internet Cafe's Handong University branch when he picked up Little Sun's call.

"Boss Pei, I've found the buildings that you asked for. When were you planning to look at them?"

After some consideration, Pei Qian said, "2 PM. Pick Mr. Liang up from the hotel and then pick me up from the internet cafe. We'll go there together.

"Send me the details of the two neighborhoods as well. I want to read through them."

A month had already passed since Pei Qian moved into his new house.

Over this month, Pei Qian had been very satisfied with the Sloth Apartments' style. Not only could it dissuade potential tenants, but it could also provide the optimum environment for him to live in.

Until now, Pei Qian was still the only one living in Sloth Apartments' first building. There was not a single other tenant.