Could Boss Pei also Predicted This?

Pei Qian did not notice any danger when he first heard about 'garbage sorting'.

Garbage sorting was a big trend, and countries all over the world were doing it after all. It might be only 2011 and a little early to do garbage sorting domestically, but there were some advanced developments in this world. Pei Qian had experienced it many times.

Moreover, garbage sorting was nothing more than cultivating everyone's awareness of the environment and making it a little more troublesome for them in their daily lives. It would not have much impact on everyone's lives.

Therefore, Pei Qian did not immediately realize what 'garbage sorting' meant to him.

However, Pei Qian suddenly reacted after freezing for a short while.

Garbage sorting did have nothing to do with him, but it had a lot to do with Fish-Catching Take-Out!

Currently, all Fish-Catching Take-Out had a unified process: