IOI Domestic Server Agency? Absolutely would not Sell It!

July 29th, Friday…

Pei Qian had been overwhelmed by the matters of Fish-Catching Take-Out this week. He had coffee in Fish-Catching Internet Cafe and could see the delivery guys outside picking up food, delivering the food, and repeat. There was no need for it.

Fish-Catching Take-Out 1.0 also had Fish-Catching Take-Out Business, but the delivery guys would not enter from the main entrance. They entered through the side door to pick up the meal to avoid affecting the customers of the internet cafe.

However, Pei Qian felt very uncomfortable when he saw the Fish-Catching Take-Out!

The market share of Fish-Catching Take-Out was visibly expanding. The other take-outs simply could not fight back. The original biggest advantage of recycling tableware had now become Fish-Catching Take-Out's biggest advantage!

The other takeaways could not learn from it.