Coach Ma's Lessons in Professional Farming

Pei Qian casually picked up the program sheet for both teams. Different methods and requirements for winning were written on it, and they seemed to be arranged in order of increasing difficulty.

Until now, both teams had already ticked off three methods.

Pei Qian knew very well that each tick represented fifty thousand yuan earned by the club! He only needed one or two seconds to calculate that both teams had already won three hundred thousand yuan for the club!

It was ridiculous.

I invited you here to burn money for me, but you ended up doing the opposite.

Cheaters! I've raised you in vain!

Of course, three hundred thousand yuan was a small sum, and Boss Pei did not need to feel so furious. However, the important problem was that this was a bad sign.

If the DGE Club's two teams managed to put on a good show from beginning to end and won every single game…

How much traffic would that bring to DGE?