Boss Pei is Always One Level Higher than Us!

September 19th, Monday…

Pei Qian arrived at the office as always. However, this time, no one bothered him all morning.

Clearly, nobody had any questions to ask Boss Pei.

That was a very upsetting thing because it meant that most of the businesses were generating profits!

Boss Pei quickly thought about his experience and concluded that this was the worst cycle that he had had thus far. All the new businesses—including Thriller Hostel, Sloth Apartments, and Deposit Fitness—had become popular. Even Fish-Catching Take-Out, which had been doing very well all this time, had become popular!

It was terrible.

Pei Qian did not dare to leave his house over the past two days. He had cooped himself up at home, keeping a close eye on the online discussions.

Luckily, after Teacher Qiao shared Fei Huang Workspace's video, the audience's attention had really been diverted.