The Shame of the Domestic Game Industry: ‘Mission and Choice’

The next step would be to name the game after the theme was set.

Pei Qian did not consider it for too long.

"Mission and Choice"!

That was a reason for this specific name.

Pei Qian had been learning about games some time ago. He had also learned a lot about the past of the domestic game industry from He An and Qiu Hong.

In 1995, the U.S. Eastwood Company released a series of games called 'Command and Conquer'. This was the best-selling real-time strategy game in history. It established a model of RTS games and pioneered the creation of the structure of 'resource collection + production and construction + army combat'. It also defined the concept of 'fog of war'.

In short, it was popular all over the world just like Starcraft and Fantasy Battle; they were all regarded as classics of RTS games.

In 1997, the local scene had a game called 'Mission and Choice'.