Boss Ma Started Giving Money

October 19, Wednesday, noon…

Qiao Liang put down the controller, paused the game on the big TV, and went to the door to pick up the takeaway.

Qiao Liang had officially settled down after moving to Jingzhou yesterday. He planned to find his friends in Jingzhou to gather on the weekend since it was a working day today. Boss Pei and the rest should be very busy.

He read the information from his fan group on his cell phone while he ate his Fish-Catching Take-Out.

"Old Qiao, it seems that someone is scamming with Tengda's name; do you want to ask the insiders what is going on?"

"Yes, isn't it corrupting Tengda's reputation?"

"The most outrageous thing is that this person even passed the authentication of Weibo, too deceptive!"

Qiao Liang was stunned.

Someone was using Tengda's name for a scam? That person had also passed the Weibo verification?

So arrogant?