Good Answers

After Meng Chang's opening speech, many investors, who had been frowning and thinking that it was unreliable, relaxed.

Everyone started listening intently.

Meng Chang was very relaxed and did not feel any pressure at all. He began to talk about the business model of 'cold-faced lady'.

The overall content was similar to what he had told He Desheng, but the details were much more detailed.

That was because he had limited time when he met He Desheng previously. He could only compress all the content to within half an hour.

However, since it was a news conference now, there was definitely not enough time to produce results. Thus, Meng Chang extended it to nearly two hours.

All the content was divided into three parts.

The first part would explain the huge market demand for "cold noodles" and the changes that "cold noodles lady" would bring to the cold noodles and fast food industry.