Assigning Bodyguards To Boss Ma

November 14th, Monday…

Pei Qian briefly organized his schedule in the office.

This cycle was relatively short. There were still more than two months to settlement. At the moment, it seemed like all the projects were progressing smoothly. There should not be any problem.

Someone knocked on his door just as he was considering.

Pei Qian looked up as Ma Yang pushed the door open and entered.

"Eh? You're back. How was the news conference?" Pei Qian asked casually.

Ma Yang sat down opposite Pei Qian's desk. "News conference? That was so boring! I almost fell asleep listening to it."

"However, not to worry, Brother Qian. I didn't embarrass you. I even asked two questions."

Pei Qian looked up at him, lowered his head, and continued browsing the web page. "Oh."

Old Ma asked questions?

It was better not to talk about this topic. It would be very awkward to imagine the scene at that time.