E-Sports Holy Land

November 27th, Sunday…

Pei Qian did not set the alarm this morning. He had wanted to sleep happily until noon, but he woke up at seven in the morning and was no longer sleepy.

He felt an inexplicable sense of panic and unease.

"Which department is causing trouble for me again…"

Pei Qian was speechless. He tossed and turned but could not fall asleep. He took his cell phone from the bedside and swiped it aimlessly.

Then, he accessed IOI's forum out of habit.

During this period of time, Pei Qian had been paying close attention to IOI. He hoped that the game would improve quickly so that he could legitimately burn money for GOG.

Two days ago, public opinion on IOI and Finger Games had not been very good. Pei Qian was very worried.

After two days, Long Yu Corporation should have made some moves, right? The players should have calmed down by now, right?

He hoped that IOI was alright.