Sell Them as Fast As You Can!

He Desheng and Meng Chang were both stunned by Boss Pei's words.

Meng Chang was about to continue speaking when Boss Pei's words poured a bucket of cold water over him.

Meng Chang's expression changed from shock to confusion to lost.

His usual calm and composed demeanor disappeared without a trace. He was so flustered that his words collided. "B-Boss Pei, why do you say that? You're joking, right? You can point out what the cold-faced lady did wrong!"

Meng Chang panicked.

It was very important to get the money from Boss Pei today. However, it would not be too much of a loss even if he could not get the money since he had enough money to last for a while.

Under such circumstances, it was always right to try his luck.

However, Meng Chang never expected Boss Pei to withdraw his investment!

This news was like a bolt out of the blue to Meng Chang!