Boss Pei Becoming The Scapegoat In Advance

Pei Qian's first reaction upon seeing this post was confusion.

Using GOG's tactics to play IOI?

It didn't feel like it would work, right?

In fact, there had been some signs during the qualifiers, but at that time, this playstyle had held FV back!

These players were all celebrities who had been playing IOI for a long time. In the end, they were forced to use GOG's playstyle, which led to ten intense matches. If they used the mainstream playstyle that they were good at before, they might be able to play two less rounds.

Pei Qian felt that this reverse training would definitely lower FV Team's strength. That was why he encouraged them to continue walking towards this dead end.

In the end, they really f*cking mastered the gameplay?