Monster Harvester

FRY's team sounded confused.

"There's no mid-laner on the other side at all. This Specter Blacksmith is a support, and the Storm Swordsman eats everything in the middle lane and the jungle!"

"What should we do? The Storm Swordsman dominates two lanes, and the Specter Blacksmith can passively give him more money and experience. He can fight five by himself in a while!"

"Can the mid-laner push the tower?"

"We can't. The Storm Swordsman can rush back based on the situation. The next wave of troops under the tower will be cleared very quickly. If the mid-laner is pressed down too deeply, we might be caught!"

"My top laner has suppressed the Ancient Lava Tree well. Don't let anything happen to it!"

"Can our jungler help to push their junglers into the jungle together?"