Mission and Choice's Ending

The deep red alarm in the space was still flashing. The Zergs on the surface of the planet were already gathering and would soon attack the human base.

In the sky above the planet, a large number of bugs were gathering, covering the sky.

However, Qin Yi could suddenly feel that something had changed after he finished speaking.

The human starships that were floating in space, the Skylark warriors that were ready to attack, the individuals behind the combat units…

They seemed to have changed in an instant!

In fact, Qin Yi himself did not know how effective these words would be. That was because in the face of life and death, human language would always be pale and weak.

Just like AEEIS said, human language was a very inefficient way of communication. AEEIS could give different and precise instructions to all soldiers in one second. Qin Yi would need a few hours to do the same thing.