Design Plan for Operation Skylark

Chen Kangtuo considered for two seconds. "Yes! It's very suitable!"

The content of Ocean Stronghold's downloadable content was about Captain Qin Yi going deep into the Zergs' nest and executing the beheading operation on the Zerg Queen.

The horror that the Zergs gave people was not as strong as the 'Ultimate Horror', but it would still maintain a moderate sense of fear. The light in the nest would not be as dark as inside the haunted house, but it would still create a more depressing environment.

Choosing this genre could give tourists who were tired of horror genres a sense of novelty. At the same time, it would be a part of Tengda's IP. It would be beneficial to the extension and expansion of the IP.

Most importantly, this theme could be made to be interactive!

Chen Kangtuo quickly created a new document on his computer and quickly recorded his thoughts.

"This project is temporarily named 'Operation Skylark'."