Physical Industries Entering The Super First-Tier Cities

February 10th, Friday…

In the office of the Cold-Faced Lady in Beijing.

Qi Yan and her colleagues were busy preparing for the Gourmet Laboratory.

Originally, the entire Cold-Faced Lady's company was immersed in a confused atmosphere without knowing what to do. That was because this brand was established by Meng Chang. Meng Chang originally had a complete set of theories, but now, Meng Chang's theories had been overthrown, and his personal halo had been crushed. Therefore, the employees who were originally inspired by Meng Chang were now lost.

However, Qi Yan led the Cold-Faced Lady employees to find a direction to work towards again after reading the articles about Meng Chang and Boss Pei!

Qi Yan decided to lead her employees to continue working hard according to Boss Pei's instructions to change the current situation of the Cold-Faced Lady. She must not disappoint Boss Pei!