Live-Streaming Platforms Following Suit

Liu Liang was very sure that the other live-stream platforms would receive the same message at about the same time: Boss Pei would not form a direct competition with them through Bunny Tail Live-stream.

Liu Liang and these live-stream platforms were old rivals after all. They knew each other very well.

Based on Liu Liang's understanding of Boss Pei, these words were most likely true.

That was because Boss Pei had always been an open and aboveboard person. He focused on business and rarely lied to his competitors.

Of course, Boss Pei would sometimes mislead his competitors in terms of tactics. However, even then, he would not lie or lie. Instead, he would use a more brilliant method, such as choice of words and 'partial truths' to draw the opponent's attention elsewhere.

Liu Liang felt that the other live-stream platforms would probably relax after hearing Boss Pei's words and not pursue the matter further.