Boss Pei's Precise Strike!

Eric stood up and left in a hurry. Obviously, he wanted to go back and video call Finger Games' headquarters to deal with this matter.

Zhao Xuming had to continue watching the ICL competition and could not leave.

However, he was also very curious. Thus, he took out his cell phone and searched for relevant information online.

It was nighttime in Los Angeles. Players were active on the forums and live-stream platforms.

Zhao Xuming realized that not only were some forums and websites in the United States discussing this. A few popular posts were also being discussed on domestic forums by busybodies, be it GOG or IOI players!

"The ICL hasn't officially started the competition, yet Finger Games is making big news again? I saw the forum in the Northern American Region going crazy. They said that Finger Games is collecting sky-high prices for slots?"