Fighting For ICL Broadcasting Rights!

At the same time, Vice-President Zhu Yan was also watching the first broadcast of the GPL league and ICL league at the headquarters of the Shanghai Wolf Fang live-stream.

He frowned his expression grave.

"Boss Pei is really up to no good!"

"This series of methods allowed Bunny Tail Live-Stream to generate such considerable popularity in just a week… All of us are being played by Boss Pei!"

Zhu Yan was the same as Liu Liang on ZZ Live-Stream. He had been keeping an eye on Bunny Tail Live-Stream and did not relax at all.

In the beginning, Bunny Tail's live-stream had promoted itself as a knowledge-based platform. It had successfully labelled itself as a special platform and differentiated it from other live-stream platforms. Thus, it had established a unique image.