The Difference In Commentary Is The Difference Between The Realms Of The Companies

After the commentator finished warming up the venue, he passed the mike to the professional player and let him start his own performance: Analyzing FV Team's BP.

The professional player on the official commentary platform was full of confidence. "FV Team has two sets of tactics recently. One is the global stream lineup with Wings of the Blade as the core, and the other is the team lineup with Chaos Misfortune as the core. These two heroes have been popular heroes since the World Competition. They have been slightly weakened but they are still favored by many teams."

"Let us take a look at the first hero that FV Team snatched. We can basically confirm the lineup that they are going to choose for this competition."

"Er… the opponent banned the Wings of the Blade."

"This hero is the core hero of the global style. Its function is relatively irreplaceable. Therefore, FV Team will most likely choose to fight for Chaos Misfortune."