First Success Of The Publicity Plan!

Hu Xianbin continued, beaming with joy. "I heard from Jiang Yuan that even though Shen Renjie's research direction was mainly in the conventional application of artificial intelligence, it had also involved some research on game AI. There was a certain amount of technical reserves. However, the focus of the research was not on this side, so many of the research results were half set aside."

"Who would have thought that there would be results this time? This is a pleasant surprise!"

"According to Jiang Yuan, the artificial intelligence AI algorithm developed by the Nag laboratory this time is very advanced. It can be directly used in Mission and Choice!"

"I've already spoken to the other side. There's still half a month until the official release of the game. As long as we update the new AI, we'll definitely be able to make up for the last shortcomings and turn Mission and Choice into a perfect game!"