Re-industrialized Film and Game!

Teacher Qiao's opening statement stunned Pei Qian.

Old Qiao, I didn't give you any money.

Do you have to go against your conscience to praise me?

Look at what you're saying in the video. Is that human language?

No King Rules Forever? That was why the respected games manufacturers overseas would also fall off their pedestal, and Tengda Games would lead domestically-produced games to the top and replace them?

What the f*ck…?

Pei Qian did not know what to say.

'Mission and Choice' was just a game. What was the point of forcing it?

Pei Qian felt like his lifeforce could not take the weight.

However, on further thought, Qiao Liang had gone overboard with his bragging. Objectively speaking, he should have been despised right?