Underworld BP Verification War

Recently, Qiao Liang's schedule has been rather casual. He would sleep until he woke up naturally every morning. He would wake up at 10 AM. He would watch videos and eat breakfast at the same time. After eating, he would digest his food and play games for a while. At 1 PM, he would eat lunch and be sleepy. He would sleep until 3 PM. After sunbathing on the sofa, it would be dinner time before he could do anything. After dinner, the GPL competition would begin soon.

He had no choice. Most of the time, he would watch short videos and forums on his cell phone. Two or three hours would pass unknowingly. It was very difficult for him to control his cheap hands.

Qiao Liang might be well aware of this situation because he still had to swipe his cell phone. Not everyone could resist fragmented entertainment.

"Eh? Bunny Tail Live-Stream is holding a competition at three in the afternoon? The ten old DGE players are going to gather again?"