Real Probability And Fake Probability

After coming up with this idea, Qiao Liang was first shocked by himself. He felt that he might have been overthinking. However, the more he analyzed it, the more he felt that it was possible.

There must be a deeper meaning behind Boss Pei's actions!

For a game like the Fitness Battle, the specifics of how the lucky draw system was done did not affect the game's profitability.

Players would still draw even if it was a regular lucky draw.

Since Boss Pei had so aggressively made the lucky draw system into its current state, he must have had some intentions.

Such intentions could not be seen at the moment, but Boss Pei might have predicted the reactions of the players.

Thus, he had to start from the players' reactions to truly analyze Boss Pei's intentions.

Qiao Liang immediately searched for a post on the internet regarding the lucky draw of the Fitness Battle and analyzed the different users.

He quickly found many cases.