The Scalpers Were Tricked!

Pei Qian sighed silently.

Damn scalpers, why can't I kill them all!

That was utterly despicable!

Firstly, he hated the scalpers for emptying the inventory of the smart fitness drying rack so that gamers who really wanted to play could not buy it. Secondly, he hated the scalpers for rapidly depleting the inventory and causing Tengda to have a large sum of money for no reason…

Pei Qian thought for a long time and finally said helplessly, "Let's do it the way we did before. We'll stock up as much as we can. In short, we can't let the scalpers profit!"

Chang You nodded immediately. "Alright, Boss Pei. I'll make the arrangements now. However… the production of the smart fitness drying rack will take some time. It's inevitable that it would be out of stock for a week or two. Should we appease the players?"