Eternal Reincarnation Design Plan

Everyone quickly stood up and welcomed Boss Pei. Hu Xianbin gave the centermost seat to Boss Pei.

Pei Qian scanned his surroundings but did not see Bao Xu.

"Bao Xu went on another trip?" Pei Qian asked casually.

Bao Xu was often not in the office in his impression. He was either traveling or on the way to a tour.

However, on further thought, there did not seem to be any tourist activities recently.

The Best Employee Selection was held in February and August. There were still two months until the next selection, and there were no annual meetings recently.

Where was Bao Xu then?

Hu Xianbin quickly explained, "Boss Pei, Brother Bao has been helping out at the snack market recently. I'm not sure about the exact situation. Do you need him to attend this meeting?"

Pei Qian immediately shook his head. "No need, I was just asking casually."

Why was this Bao Xu messing around at the snack market?