Welcome Prison Keeper Into The GOG Family

June 11th, Monday…

At Tengda Games…

Hu Xianbin and Min Jingchao were seriously thinking about Repent and be Saved's new downloadable content, Eternal Reincarnation.

Ever since the meeting with Boss Pei last Monday, Tengda Games' designers have been filled with inspiration. They could not wait to turn this downloadable content into reality.

However, after a week, this state of inspiration became a torture for everyone.

That was because they had inspiration but could not start production immediately. It was also very uncomfortable.

It was unbearable!

It was just like an author who had obviously thought of a brilliant idea but could not write it immediately. Instead, he had to repeatedly consider, polish, and perfect it for two months. He could not write a single word in the main body. This torture was not something anyone could tolerate.

The designers of the games department were the same.