I Made A Mistake!

"F*ck, running away after showing off? Old Qiao, are you still human?"

"Can you at least explain the genre of the new game before you leave?! Is this something a human would do?"

"Old Qiao isn't talking nonsense, right? 'Mission and Choice' has only been released for two months, and the new game can already be tried? Why don't I believe it?"

"Old Qiao might not be reliable, but he never lies. He said that he was trying out Tengda's games. It's most likely true."

"What game is that?"

"I've been looking forward to Tengda making a MMORPG game. I hope Boss Pei can satisfy me!"

"I prefer action games."

"Another realistic masterpiece like Struggle!"

Everyone's imagination was running wild as they came up with all sorts of game genres.

That was because Qiao Liang did not give any clues. He did not even mention the game genre. Where should they start guessing?