Don't You Watch the News?

Saturday afternoon at the nameless restaurant.

"Come, this way."

Pei Qian smiled as he led Bao Xu to the biggest private room in the nameless restaurant.

Bao Xu, on the other hand, shrunk into a ball. He was trembling in fear, as though he was about to be ambushed.

He could feel that something was amiss!

Why did Boss Pei suddenly want to have a meal with him?

He did not want to come at all. He wanted to stay at home and play games.

He had been busy with the snack market recently after all. He did not have time to play games when he was busy. Now that the snack market was finally done, wouldn't he have to make up for all the recent games?

However, he had to come since it was Boss Pei's treat.

He only hoped that he would bite the bullet and finish eating quickly before returning to play games.