The Summary Of The Pei Family's Publicity Method

July 18th, Wednesday…

In the advertising department…

Meng Chang looked at his computer screen thoughtfully.

He had summarized Boss Pei's entire publicity plan and the effect of this plan.

As the saying went, one would learn as they age.

Meng Chang originally thought that he was already very good at playing with popularity and marketing. However, he realized that he was still far from it after meeting Boss Pei.

This time, he had the opportunity to observe Boss Pei's publicity operations up close. Of course, he had to watch carefully!

His cell phone beeped just as he was deep in thought.

Meng Chang picked it up and could not help but raise his eyebrows with joy.

The bank card notification came in - 2,000 yuan!

The 2,000 yuan was obviously the guaranteed commission for this month!