An Outstanding Simulator Driving Game

Previously, most of Shang Yang Games' design plans had been completed by Lin Wan, Ye Zhizhou, and Wang Xiaobin. The other members had not participated in the 'trying to figure out Boss Pei's intentions' segment. Instead, they had waited for the three of them to complete the restoration of Boss Pei's design before being in charge of the specific execution.

However, now, both Ye Zhizhou and Wang Xiaobin felt that Shang Yang Games had to move on.

He had developed so many games; he couldn't possibly not improve, right?

Boss Lin had previously left behind a standard process to guess Boss Pei's design intentions. This could be said to be Shang Yang Games and even Tengda Corporation's most precious wealth.

Now, Ye Zhizhou and Wang Xiaobin had already mastered this. It was time to pass it on and improve the design standards of the other designers.