"Young Master Tian"

Qiao Liang did not think in this direction when he first knew about this gaming platform.

That was because the only part of Dawn Games that was related to Tengda was Meng Chang. However, according to Meng Chang himself, he was working on publicity plans for various companies to pay his debts. Therefore, it was not surprising that he was working with any company.

If this gaming platform was opened by Tengda, Tengda could put their own game on it and instantly make it popular.

Therefore, Qiao Liang originally thought that it was more likely that this platform had nothing to do with Tengda. Meng Chang might really have just gone to earn extra money.

He vaguely knew that the contract Tengda had signed with Meng Chang was a very special contract. It was not an official employee and there was no relationship. He could go to other companies to help at any time. It was probably to let Meng Chang pay up faster.