The Split Downloads Of Eternal Reincarnation!

Pei Qian was a little surprised and pleasantly surprised to hear Meng Chang's straightforward answer.

Eh, this young man is very confident!

Meng Chang did not look blindly confident but confident with something in mind.

Pei Qian asked, "Do you have a rough plan?"

Meng Chang nodded. "Yes, I've been thinking about it for the past few days. I've made some progress now. I'll go to the games department in a while and discuss with the chief designer of the project. I need their cooperation."

Pei Qian nodded in satisfaction.

Alright, Meng Chang was becoming more and more reliable!

Previously, he had been passively accepting missions and doing publicity plans according to fate. Whether they could get the commission at the end of the month depended on fate.

Now, he had taken the initiative to predict missions and plan the publicity plan in advance. He would get a commission based on his own skills at the end of the month.